Sunday, January 17, 2010

Why does my family need so much sleep?

Hi Everybody,

Just wanted to let you know that Taylee and I are doing just fine! We had our first doctor visit this week and Dr Charlie sez that we are checking out just like we are supposed to be. We have gained weight since coming home, and are doing all the right stuff that babies are supposed to do. What did that get us?.....another stick in the heel...OUCH!

We have been steppin' out on more and more field trips and getting around a bit. That means that we have to looking good as well. I thought I would try a new hat just to change things up. Pretty stylin', huh? Mom likes to sneak us in to head bows...Dad says that they are cute and at least they aren't the 'glue on' kind!

The part that we cant figure out is why our parents seem so tired? We sleep...they sleep as far as we know; we eat, they far as we know. But you can see here that even Grandpa needs some extra snoozing when he is around us. Dad loves to have us on his chest and we like it too.

Anyway, life is pretty darn good. We get lots of love and care from everyone around us. We are doing our best to fill up the landfill, according to my dad...but what can we do about that?

Love to everyone!

Elle and Taylee


Unknown said...

Too cute. Thanks for the new pics!

Hillary said...

My one tires me out, I don't know how you guys manage two! I'd be beat too.

Morgan said...

too too cute! i love these pics