Monday, January 31, 2011

Splish Splash We Were Taking a Bath...

Hi Guys! Can you believe that we are 13 months old? We sure do grow up fast. We have been having a lot of fun lately. No, we still aren't walking or crawling for that matter. I mean who really needs to do that when you have your best friend sitting right next to you. We also have parents who help us out whenever we say "uhhh!!!" So we certainly aren't going without. My sister Taylee now has 6 teeth, 4 on the top and 2 on the bottom. I am really jealous as she has a much easier time eating than I do since I still don't have any teeth.

Last week we got to go to the zoo to see the animals. It was a little cold, but we got all bundled up for the event. We thought it was pretty funny that all the animals were eating Christmas Trees. The giraffes are my favorite! Well thats all for now.



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